
Three-Act Novel Scrivener Template + ULAN Theme + ULAN Theme (Mac)

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Three-Act Novel Scrivener Template + ULAN Theme + ULAN Theme (Mac)


Ulan is a pretty theme with customized fonts, colors and backgrounds that evokes a cozy, cool rainy day in the tropics. The template is set up with a chapter template with two paragraph styles to get you ready to start writing that novel. The manuscript is set up with three folders to organize your chapters into the parts of a three-act-structure.

  • a Scrivener 3 template with
    • the 3-act structure
    • three built-in paragraph styles (chapter start, paragraph, scene break), with keyboard shortcuts
    • one new chapter template
  • a Scrivener preferences file with a rainy-day theme (ULAN) background textures, background colors, font settings
  • a Scrivener theme file with the same as the preferences above

This theme was created on Scrivener 3 for Mac OS, so it might not work on an earlier or Windows version.

Composition mode


Corkboard view

Outline view

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You'll get (1) a Scrivener template file (2) background images/textures (3) one Scrivener preferences file (4) one Scrivener theme file

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